I think best solution would be to contact a local dealership or trusted shop which sell car parts. I would also visit trusted car mechanic if I was looking for new bearings.
Usually tapered roller bearings.
Depends on the vehicle and which bearings. Wheel bearings, not so expensive. Main bearings inside the engine, expensive.
less friction.
You must remove the wheel bearings, inspect them, repack them with grease, and install them back in the vehicle.
form_title= Automotive Bearing form_header= Keep you car running like new when you replace the bearings. How old are your current bearings?*= _ [50] What brand do you currently have on your vehicle?*= _ [50] How often do you drive your vehicle?*= _ [50]
You must go to the mechanic , as the vehicle must be on the lift. Otherwise, you can jack your vehicle up, dismantle each wheel , and grease and repack the bearings one at a time. That is not an option for most people, and done improperly may cause damage to the vehicle.
Axle bearings support the weight of the vehicle and are called several different things depending on the suspension, axle, and control systems attached.
The average cost of pillow block bearings is around $45 dollars a piece. You can shop for prices at www.autozone.com for your specific vehicle.
You have to take the entire bearing out. No way to do it in vehicle.
You can't. The bearings and the hub are assembled as one and expected to last the life of the vehicle. When the hub/bearings do fail, the assembly is replaced as one unit.
There are many different bearings in that vehicle. Need to know which one .
Main bearings are what the crankshaft rotates on.