autotrader, ebay, auotoscout24 are all sites where you can find cars for sale by owner but those cars are mostly second hand. You can even look by location so maybe you find something in your neighbourhood. Good luck with that. and are two very helpful websites when looking for used cars for sale by owner. Additionally, you can also find used cars for sale by owner on
There are many places to find listings for cars that are for sale by owner. The largest site for finding for sale by owner listings for cars would be Auto Trader's website.
There are many online sites where one can find cars for sale by owner. The two biggest to check out are eBay and craigslist.
Some websites that will help you find used cars for sale by owner are: Auto Trader, Cars for Sale, A Used Car, Cars Direct, Auto Shopper and Automobile Mag. has used cars for sale. They have a whole bunch of cares for sale by owners, and you will find you nice cars on there as well.
You can go to They are very popular and have a huge listing of cars for sale by the owner.
A good sight in any area to find cars for sale by owner is You can narrow your seach by price, location, and many other factors.
Local news papers, Craigslist, Autotrader,
You can find a car sale by owner by either posting an ad on craigslist writing that you are interested in purchasing a car or you can go to dealerships and ask for a list of owners who are willing to sell their cars.
You can check out Craigslist for cheap cars in Denver. They list cars for sale by both dealer and owner.
Lots of Places ! , Craigslist, Cars for Sale , Ebay . (The list goes on)
You can find used Saab cars for sale in the US from the Cars for Sale website or from the Automotive section of the Yahoo! website. Alternatively, you can find these cars for sale on eBay.