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Fusible links located on the left fender well directly behind battery. They come off a splice from the 2nd fattest red wire from the battery.


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Q: Where are the fusible links located in a 1994 Acclaim?
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The starter on a 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera is located on the driver's side of the engine towards the bottom of the engine. It is behind the crankshaft sensor and the fusible links.

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Look for a woven sheath beneath the coolant expansion tank. Inside that sheath, you will find the 10 fusible links for the vehicle. It's fed via the battery positive.

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I believe they are in front of the battery on the passenger side. They are under a black box that lists all your fusible links i.e. on the box you'll see "batt", "fuel pump", "pwr. seat", etc.I could be wrong, but that is where they are located on my car, which is a 1992 300zx (non-turbo).Hope this helped.

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Follow the upper radiator hose to its end. The thermostat is located right about there.

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