For Quick Shade Replacement Parts you need to call Bravo Sports Their phone number is 800/248-5327
You can order replacement canopies online directly from the Quik Shade company. As of October 2014, the price for the W100 replacement canopy is $54.99.
Bravo Sports 800-248-5327 sells quik shade parts
Most canopies for patio swings sold by the major retailers didn't last very long. But, good news! There is a company that specializes in patio swings - canopies - and cushion covers. They use only durable Sunbrella fabric which comes with a 10 year fabric warranty. All makes and models and product is made in the U.S.A. Search for swingcushioncovers website.
Check the Home Depot website for replacement parts.
Yes they are a good way. The reason is the sun does not comes to the same spot everyday so you are able to use it to maximum use and get the shade where you want it to be.
Pup up canopies come in handy for many things like holding an event, providing shade, and providing shelter. These canopies can be easily and quickly put together and taken apart when needed.
Contact: Customer Service HKD Global Ltd Toll Free: 888-280-7876 Fax: 636-239-7356 In season hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST This company has great customer service. I just ordered a replacement corner bracket for $5.00 with $10.00 UPS shipping. Just provide them with the model number (on tag of canopy) and the part you need.
I( need the frame for my Quik shade
To find a suitable replacement for your ceiling light shade, measure the diameter of your current shade and search for a new one with the same size. You can also consider the style and material of the shade to match your room's decor. Additionally, check with the manufacturer of your light fixture for compatible replacement options.
I have a broken tile mechanism also and wonder where i can get a replacement part. if you have found a place that sells replacement parts for tilt shade umbrellas i would appreciate you let me know about it. thanks mike
we have bought four (4) quik shade instant canopies and we need to know prices for weight plates, also the weigh they have
shade in 6 then divide the next circle, square, ect.. into 10ths then shade in 3 parts.