These denote the off side edge of a multi lane carriage way, e.g the edge of the cntral reservation. Red denote the near side and green are openings.
Between carriageway and central reservation
They are white. The reflective studs are there for extra safety or when lighting is not available. The studs on the left of the inside lane are reflective green for exiting the motorway at the proper exits on the left-hand side. The red reflective studs are there to warn against exiting at that point, this is because that point is in fact a lane that is joining the motorway.
Green studs are on the slip loads. Entrance & ExitsRed studs are on hard shoulder.White studs between lanesAmber studs at central reservation.
What colour are the reflectives studs between the hard shoulder and tye left hand lane of a motorway
they mark a slip road
Amber/yellow cat's eyes mark the entrance of a motorway.
Cats eyes
You are expected to see re colored reflective studs or cat eyes on all different major roads in most cities.
These denote the off side edge of a multi lane carriage way, e.g the edge of the cntral reservation. Red denote the near side and green are openings.
Orange/amber whatever you call it, xo