Gentron generators are engineered in the U.S. and are manufactured in China by (Jiang Dong). JD Manufactures has been making engines and generators since 1945. JD . GENTRON generators come with a one year parts and labor warranty . More information about GENTRON can be found on
Gentron generators typically use engines from various manufacturers such as Honda, Briggs & Stratton, or Generac. The specific brand of engine on a Gentron 10000 watt generator may vary depending on the model and year of manufacture.
The number one brand of home generators in Briggs and Stratton. There are also some other comparable brands such as Gentron, Kohlers, and Chicago Electric.
Some of the most popular brands of propane generators include: America, Sportsman, Powerland, Buffalo Tool, Onan Marquis, Gentron and Champion Global.
Generac Generators are manufactured in Wisconsin.
Centurion standby generators are manufactured by Generac Power Systems of Waukesha,Wisconsin.They build generators in Waukesha,Whitewater and Eagle Wisconsin.
I found a gentron generator that weighed only 53 pounds. The power output is significantly lower than generators weighing more. It comes down to a power to weight ratio, so you need to determine what your specific needs are.
All Power America generators are manufactured in China.
Briggs & Stratton generators are manufactured in Milwaukee Wisconsin. This is also where their company headquarters is located. They serve over 100 countries on six continents.
According to the label they are mad in China.
Depends on the output of the generator
Which part of China are Duromax Generators made