The initial action that may occur to the consumer is merely to go to another insurer. However, that may be am overly simplistic approach.
Most states have statutes (laws) that delineate the circumstances under which an auto insurer may decline to renew ("drop") an existing insured. One of these includes that the insurer makes a business decision to no longer write insurance in the state. However, terminating policies for that reason is a fairly lengthy process and requires regulatory approval.
Most states have consumer protection laws as part of their Insurance Codes that define and delimit the types of offenses for which an insured may be canceled (if found guilty). More likely, at least for a first offense, the result will be a premium increase. Additionally, the circumstances under which an insured may be "dropped" must be part of the underwriting guidelines that the insured files and must get approved as part of it application to transact insurance business in the state. Admittedly, though, some states are more/less consumer friendly than others.
It is important that the person whose insurance has been canceled move quickly to replace it. This is because motor vehicle authorities track cancellations and, if due to a cancellation, the persons is no longer in compliance with the state's Financial Responsibility Law which requires the maintenance of auto insurance, his/her license/tags may be suspended until the insurance is replaced. For replacing you can check a comparisson site like this one where you can get free quotes from different companies
A car insurance company can cancel your policy for many reasons and they are not obligated to provide you with insurance. Different companies have different criteria for cancellation of a policy due to accidents.
Not unless the deceased calls the company to cancel. The insurance company cannot cancel the policy unless it is requested in writing by the insured or executor or if it cancels for non-payment.
I would switch insurance carriers.
You might wanna look around for another company
No. The Employer must notify you.
A classic car insurance company is different from a regular car insurance company because the specialize in classic cars. They will be able to insure you for your more expensive classic car.
"Although Allianz is an insurance company, it doesn't offer services for car insurance. The company mainly specializes in life and corporate insurance."
The insurance company. They have in theory bought the car or what was left of it.
To the insurance company.
Buying rental car insurance from a rental car company with vary from company to company, expect about $15-$25/day.
You would call the insurance company of the person's car that you are driving. The insurance follows the car and not the insured.
If you are named as Certificate Holder on a Certificate of Insurance, the insurance company MAY or (in some instances) HAS TO notify you if the policy cancels prior to the renewal date.