The same day that you determine you aren't getting it back. It would be wise to wait until then because if the bank repo'd it to kinda just remind you that being 3 payments behind isn't a good thing, you might get it back and then you don't have to go through the whole insurance application process again.
AnswerYeah for sure do not cancel anything until it is no longer in your name either. I'd wait until the title transfer is complete as well. AnswerYou should cancel your insurance the moment your car is repossessed.The moment the car is hooked up(as the above two repo morons will tell you)it is no longer your car.So if you would like to cover someone elses vehicle with your insurance you go right ahead but you are wasting your money and your insurance coverage.Dishonest repo guys(like the above two scumbags) want you to keep the insurance on the vehicle so if they damage the car or steal stuff from it it will go on your insurance.ANSWER Amendment:
Never cancel an insurance policy until you have a new policy in place. If you do it will cost you more in the long run. Insurance companies are looking for loyalty and longevity without lapse in coverage. Sometimes you can possibly suspend, cancel or reduce coverage but never cancel it.
The moment the vehicle is repossessed does not release you from the contract agreement. Read it. In most cases until the vehicle is transferred out of your name via the title of ownership, you must maintain physical damage coverage or they can force place it and take the premium out of the proceeds.
Reduce to minimum but don't cancel it.
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When a car has been repossessed the person paying the insurance should cancel it.
Cancel your policy.
Yes of course you should!
If your contract requires full coverage and you do not have full coverage, you are in violation of the contract.
I take it you mean, if your car IS repossessed. In that case, IF you dont plan to redeem it, NO. NO car, NO insurance. Once the lender repos the car, they are responsible for the insurance coverage.
Of course not! It wasn't stolen or wrecked, it was taken from you for failure to pay on the loan!Be sure to cancel the insurance.
If it's no longer your vehicle, you don't need to insure it.
No, only when you are required to have full coverage insurance and you dont, and the obvious that you do not make a payment.
YES, if you are in DEFAULT of the contract (NO ins. coverage) they can repo.
Once your car is repossessed, it is covered by the repo companys and the lenders VERY expensive ins. No need for you to maintain coverage UNLESS you plan on redeeming it ASAP.
if you don't plan on getting it back that is what to do. but most insurers in pa are notifying pa that you canceled insurance ant they suspend your plate for 90 days.