When facing down the hill - turn the wheels toward the curb when facing up the hill - turn the wheel away from the curb
Turn the wheel to the left if parking on the right. Turn your wheel to the right if parking on the left{one-way} Turn the wheel to the left if parking on the right. Turn your wheel to the right if parking on the left{one-way}
Turn the wheel so that the car will roll away from traffic.
if you parking uphill you turn your wheel towards the curb and if you parking down hill you turn it away
Into the curb ... so it won't roll. On a two way street (in the USA) that would be to the right.
Insert the key into the ignition, turn it to the on position, and move the steering wheel left and right while applying pressure to the sfift lever. The system has a way on locking up the steering wheel and keeping the shift lever lock in park.
which way do you want it to turn? Well the wheel won't turn, the car will just tip over and you might crash and die. :-(
If your key won't turn the lock, make sure the car is in park, and then pull on the steering wheel, one way then the other, while you attempt to turn the key. Should do the trick.
You may have pressure on the steering wheel locking pin. Try moving the steering wheel one way or the other while trying to turn the ignition key.
you park off the shoulder after a breakdown and turn on the 4-way flashers.
Try pulling on the steering wheel one way or the other while you turn the key.
Down hill to the right, up hill to the left.
The connections on the battery in the wheel well . You may not have it all the way in park position.Battery, starter, solenoid. Check those out.