It is unclear what you are asking, but I will do my best.
If you are asking whether you can buy a car with your disability payments (from a private insurer, Social Security Disability, or otherwise), yes. Keep in mind, though that that may leave you short for other needs, but it is business decision for you to make.
The payer of the disability benefits has no obligation to buy a car for you under ordinary circumstances. It would be the very odd situation that would require a disability payer to do so. Nonetheless, a private insurer may consider doing so as a means of facilitating your return to work and thereby no longer qualifying for disability. In the long run, it may be cheaper for it to go "out of policy" and do this, than paying benefits for a very long time.
The contract controls what you can collect under a private policy; statutes control what you can collect under public sources of disability, such as Social Security Disability.
Probably. What does your policy say?
form_title=Purchase Disability Insurance form_header=If you're suffering from a disability, insurance can help pay for bills and other needs. Have you received disability insurance in the past?= () Yes () No Does your employer offer disability insurance?= () Yes () No How quickly, and for how long, do you need disability insurance?=_
Most auto insurance policies have an optional coverage called work loss coverage that will pay for some amount of temporary disability if you are injured in an auto accident and have chosen to purchase this option on your policy.
It depends on how the premiums for the disability insurance were paid.
Disability Insurance pays when you get injured working. It's used to pay bills like the electric, and the mortgage.
Disability insurance covers you in case you are not able to work due to a disability. This may pay for your bills, medical expenses, and other costs of living.
If I'm not mistaken, life insurance is paid out on death. It may have a clause that pays the premiums on it in event of disability, but that, like a policy that pays you on disability, is basically under a disability insurance benefit, not life insurance policy.
IF you paid the premiums with before income tax funds for this private disability insurance the amounts that you receive is NOT taxable income to you.
Any insurance is good because of the "what if's". A good disability insurance is Aaflac. It will help pay bills in the event of an accident or disability so that you don't end up with financial problems.
there are various benefits for disability insurance like aflak that will pay your bills if you need them too. other insuances will provide you with money or reparations.
To the insurance company.
you will have to pay a debt and GET CAR INSURANCE