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Q: When you encounter an aggressive driver tailgating you the first thing to do is?
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What behaviors is considered aggressive driving?

First of all and the worst of all is tailgating. Pushing others around, disregarding of the needs of others on the road, makes aggressive drivers worst offenders. The roads are public property, and we all share those roads. Aggressive driver's mentality is this: "This is my road, this is my lane. I'll never let you in. No matter in what danger you are." When someone cuts you off on the road, this is considered aggressive driving. Examples of aggressive driving are to many to count. Watch around, be save.

If someone is tailgating your vehicle you should?

Drive cautiously and at the first opportunity let them pass safely.

When was First Encounter created?

First Encounter was created on 1971-03-08.

What did Henry Hudson encounter on his journey's?

he did encounter the first nations

What does FEAR stand for in the game FEAR?

First Encounter Assault Recon

Is encounter stressed in the first or second syllable?

In the word "encounter," the stress falls on the first syllable: en-COUN-ter.

Who was aggressive in the first punic war?

Both Rome and Carthage adopted aggressive stances.

Is encounter first syllable?

No, second.

How 4 way stop sign works?

Whoever gets to the stop sign first gets to go first, followed by the next, and the next, and the next. If you get there at the same time as another driver, the driver on the right side generally has the right of way. Always be prepared for aggressive drivers at a 4-way stop, and let them go ahead.

What actors and actresses appeared in The First Encounter - 2012?

The cast of The First Encounter - 2012 includes: Chris LI Jay Velasco as Jay

When was the first encounter?

There has not been one yet.

Is encounter's first syllable stressed?

No, second.