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When two or more vehicles come to a stop at a 4 way intersection, the vehicle that arrived first proceeds first. In the event that the vehicles come to a stop at the same time, the car on the right proceeds first.

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Q: When you come to a 4 way stop who proceeds across the intersection?
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How should you react to a flashing red light?

Stop completely before entering the crosswalk or intersection. Then, proceed when you can do so safely. Basically, treat the intersection as if there are stop signs at each corner of the intersection.

Is it necessary to come to a complete stop at a STOP sign even if the intersection is clear?

Yes, make a COMPLETE STOP.

What you do on a red stop sign?

You come to a complete stop at the limit line or before entering the crosswalk/intersection of that specific red stop sign.

What is controlled intersections?

Controlled intersections have traffic lights, yield signs or stop signs to control traffic. At a controlled intersection where you face a green light, drive carefully through the intersection at a steady speed. If the light has been green for a while, be prepared to stop when it turns yellow. However, if you are already so close that you cannot stop safely, drive through the intersection with caution. Where you face a red light, come to a complete stop and wait until the light turns green. When you approach an intersection on a main road, and the intersection is blocked with traffic, stop before entering the intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves on. This does not apply if you are turning left or right. At a controlled intersection where you face a yield sign, slow down or stop if necessary and wait until the way is clear before driving through the intersection. At a controlled intersection where you face a stop sign, come to a complete stop. Drive through the intersection only when the way is clear (Diagram 2-15).

What are the three locations at an intersection where drivers must come to a full stop?

Red Stop Light Flashing Red Stop Light Red Stop Sign

At an intersection, where should you stop?

At an intersection, you should stop at the stop line or before the crosswalk, if there is no stop line present.

What to do at T-intersection in the road?

At a t intersection you basically come to a stop, but you are supposed to "yeild" (its smart to come to a short 1-2 second pause) and look for traffic and go when appropriate. If you come to a t intersection when another car on the main road (top of the t) is turning onto the road you are on, the car on the left lets the car on the right have the right-of-way. Let me know if this helps! if not i can go into MUCH more detail.

Example of proceeds in a sentence?

She proceeds forward after the stop sign.

What is a partially controlled intersection?

Controlled intersections have traffic lights, yield signs or stop signs to control traffic. At a controlled intersection where you face a green light, drive carefully through the intersection at a steady speed. If the light has been green for a while, be prepared to stop when it turns yellow. However, if you are already so close that you cannot stop safely, drive through the intersection with caution. Where you face a red light, come to a complete stop and wait until the light turns green. When you approach an intersection on a main road, and the intersection is blocked with traffic, stop before entering the intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves on. This does not apply if you are turning left or right. At a controlled intersection where you face a yield sign, slow down or stop if necessary and wait until the way is clear before driving through the intersection. At a controlled intersection where you face a stop sign, come to a complete stop. Drive through the intersection only when the way is clear (Diagram 2-15).

What is a flashing red light at an intersection equal to?

A flashing red light at an intersection is equivalent to a stop sign. It indicates that drivers must come to a complete stop before proceeding, and they should yield the right of way to any other vehicles or pedestrians before proceeding through the intersection.