If you cage your brakes off the service brakes will work just fine because the brake chamber is two separate parts. The parking brake works trough the service brake but service brakes will work unless the diaphragm in the parking brake chamber is ruptured, holding the brakes on.
"Harley" gave an answer which showed why people who don't actually understand air brake systems should not be answering questions about them. When you cage an air brake, you are backing off that brake - this will render both the spring brakes and the service brakes inoperable. The service brake will not work 'just fine", because the arm from the brake chamber is backed off, which backs off the slack adjuster, which backs off the pads or shoes (depending on if you're using disc brakes or s-cam drum brakes).
Cage the brake chambers and tow it.
The service brake is the one which applies the brakes - the emergency brake system is the system which releases the spring brakes.
Air brake equipped vehicles usually have a spring brake system which locks down the brakes when there is no air applied. Once air pressure reaches 60 psi, these will unlock, and air will remain in the hold off chamber to keep the spring brakes unlocked. When you bring a vehicle to a stop, air from the air system is metered into the service chamber to clamp the brakes down.
Anti compounding valves are found in an air brake system on large commercial vehicles. These valves help to balance the pressure applied to the slack adjuster by simultaneously applying air to the spring brake relay when the service brake is pushed. The air is applied to the parking brake chamber as air pressure is applied to the service brake chamber thus releasing the parking brake the same amount that the service brake is applied thus "Balancing" the pressure in the brake chamber. This prevents excessive pressure from being applied to the service side and subsequently to the rod and slack adjuster. Thomas Moysey- owner A.B. CDL Training Center Waterford, CT
The air is held in tanks near each axle Air is put into lines from the "Service Valve" under the Brake Pedel. It rushes to a valve called a relay valve mounted very close to each axle and each brake. The air from the service valave causes the Relay valve to send air from the tanks to the brake chambers causing the brake chamber push rod to move.
A parking brake system is not required if your service brakes are fully self-locking. Air brake systems (on semis, for instance) hold the brakes open only when air is supplied. If you blow the air the brakes lock under spring pressure.
If you're referring to air brake systems, primary air supplies service air pressure to the brakes on the drive axles and the trailer axles when the foot valve is used to brake. The secondary air system supplies service pressure to the brake system on the steer axle, as well as the trailer when the hand valve is used to apply the trailer brakes.
QR1 valve is the brake valve to the steer axles. Follow the service lines from the brake chambers to where they intersect, and that's the valve they're both attached to. It meters air to the brake chambers and also governs air pressure in the brake chambers.
First, what makes you sure it's the brake chamber? If your brakes are releasing when you push in the emergency air, but applying the foot brakes (which use the service line) has no effect, then the boot (gasket) within the brake chamber is probably worn, if it is a brake chamber issue. If you have a codriver (or just someone who can push on a brake), you should follow your service (blue) line under your trailer until you find a connector which you can uncouple. Once that's done, have them hit the brake pedal and see if air is even getting through the service line before you start messing with the brake chamber.
It supplies air to the service chambers of the brake chambers in order to engage the brakes.
Assuming you're talking about an air brake system, if this is happening, then you have either a bad service chamber in at least one of your brake chambers, or a compromised supply air line. What to do should be obvious - get it fixed.
If you're referring to air brake systems, primary air supplies service air pressure to the brakes on the drive axles and the trailer axles when the foot valve is used to brake. The secondary air system supplies service pressure to the brake system on the steer axle, as well as the trailer when the hand valve is used to apply the trailer brakes.