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It really comes down to when you are ready to accept the negotiated amount of the settlement. If you feel an offer is acceptable and you do not forsee any future treatment for your injuries, then sign it. If not, then you can either negotiate the projected amount for your future treatment with the insurance adjuster and resolve it then or you can just wait until all of your treatment is finished and then sign the release after an acceptable offer has been made to you.

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Q: When should you sign a release after an accident with minor injuries?
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"are my minor children entitled to compensation for being passengers in an accident that was not my fault. ? they were bruised up. no major injuries." Certainly they are entitled to compensation if they were injured. The amount would depend on the severity of the injuries and if they received any medical treatment. If you are in an auto accident and have any injuries at all always go immediately to the emergency room. If you do not the insurance comapny will try to say you were not injured. lwpat

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Generally those that are considered 'minor' ones. A cut finger, a sprained ankle, etc. Though it should be noted that even minor injuries can be fatal if not treated.

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