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You give your car back to the bank after filing bankruptcy, the bank will ask your attorney for the vehicle back and give you a certain amount of time and the location to return it to. Definitely do not give it back before you file you will need to have it discharged legally from your debts.

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Q: When should i give my car back to the bank before or after filing bankruptcy in Alabama?
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Should a Christian file bankruptcy?

Filing bankruptcy has no affiliation with religion. If filing bankruptcy is he best financial options available, then you should do it.

How much debt should you be in before filing a bankruptcy?

id say 20,000 or higher.

What bankruptcy information should you know before you consider filing for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is the filing of a petition that claims your assets, and your inability to pay for them. Bankruptcy severely effects your credit, and is present on your credit for 7 years. During this time getting credit cards or loans can be very difficult.

How do you liquidate a company before filing bankruptcy?

You should liquidate the company after filing bankruptcy. If you do it prior to filing, it might be seen as an attempt to commit fraud and not pay off debtors. You would be safer to file and then follow the directions necessary. Consult an attorney in your area before making any big moves!

How much debt should one have before filing for bankruptcy?

It would depend on the person as to how much debt one would have to have before filing for bankruptcy. Some people can have more debt than others and be ok with it, while others would feel the need to file.

Can you hold your passport after you get declared bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy filing or discharge in bankruptcy should not have any effect on your US passport.

What will happen to my 401k when filing bankruptcy?

These assets should not be effected at all.

Is financial debt solutions a better solution fo filing bankruptcy?

Debt solutions or consolidation is something you should look into before filing bankruptcy. Consolidationg your debt allows you to make smaller payments over a set amount of time and can positively effect your credit.

Can I file for Bankruptcy after a short sale of your home?

What does selling my home have to do with your filing bankruptcy? If it was your home you sold short, assuming an arm's-length sale to a 3d party with no fraud or deception, you should not have a problem with filing bankruptcy.

What is necessary to file for bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated process and one should consider hiring a lawyer to help with the filing process. You also need to undergo credit counseling and be aware of what type of bankruptcy to file.

Should I file for a divorce before filing chapter 7?

Every case is different, but if the two of you file a joint petition for bankruptcy before the divorce, you will both avoid problems. Consult a lawyer who knows both divorce and bankruptcy law.