If you are on the highway...or anywhere where speeds exceed 50-55 mph then you should have it on, otherwise it doesnt matter...even if it is on, it wont be used until you hit a high enough speed.
I have a 2002 Accent with the overdrive button. The owners manual suggests that the switch should be engaged to have overdrive on all the time. However, I have found that since I do a great deal of stop and go driving the transaxle shifts and performs better with the overdrive off. The car isn't trying to put itself into overdrive every two seconds and makes for a smoother drive. Again this is mostly for heavier stop and go driving.
driving in town below 60km/hr put the overdrive off by pressing the O/D knob and O/D OFF will appear on the dash board, otherwise its always on by default.overdrive works to reduce fuel consumption when driving at higher speed say over 80km/hr out of town or on a highway. Thus its not useful in short drive and stop distances such as in traffic situations.
When the car reaches the speed that you would like to attain (say 55 MPH) and levels off (stays at 55 MPH) the engine does not require as much gas as when you are getting up to speed (0 - 54 MPH). So considering this, Overdrive is when you get up to speed and the amount of gas put into the chambers is reduced, (but you still continue at 55 MPH) saving tons of gas and is easier on your engine. The overdrive on/off switch controls the transmission. If overdrive is off (indicated by light on dash) vehicle will not shift into overdriven gear (4th gear); which can be useful for mountain driving. Overdrive should be on though as it will greatly effect your gas milage if it is off.
Some say in town use the regular "D" and on the hiway use the circle "D". I just put it in the circle "D" sn forget it. It goes into overdrive when you use the circle "D" and you get over about 45 MPH
when ur driving in the city it is adviced to put gears in drive rather than in overdrive position..the reason being overdrive is a system that allows your gears or drivetrain to use the lowest gears /ratio for fuel saving cruising, with it off , it holds to a higher gear ratio so you have more power and torque to tow or climb hills..but it prooves to be horrible while driving in the city..
When the car reaches the speed that you would like to attain (say 55 MPH) and levels off (stays at 55 MPH) the engine does not require as much gas as when you are getting up to speed (0 - 54 MPH). So considering this, Overdrive is when you get up to speed and the amount of gas put into the chambers is reduced, (but you still continue at 55 MPH) saving tons of gas and is easier on your engine. The overdrive on/off switch controls the transmission. If overdrive is off (indicated by light on dash) vehicle will not shift into overdriven gear (4th gear); which can be useful for mountain driving. Overdrive should be on though as it will greatly effect your gas milage if it is off.
Try a known working relay in its place... I have also put my hand on the relay while someone is driving and pressed the over drive button on and off, you should feel the relay "click" inside.
I have a 1997 ford e 350 van with automatic transmission when the transmission shifts form 3rd gear to overdrive at about 50-55 mph it falters and bucks and I have to let off on the gas so it can pick-up speed, when I have overdrive off and put on overdrive when 3rd gear shifts to overdrive at 50-55 mph it shifts smoother but if I give too much gas again it bucks and falters till I let off gas so it can retain speed slowly.
There should be a small button below the button you push to put it in gear on the shifter.
I bought a new used 1999 and it was doing that. The Dealer replace the overdrive solenoid. That never solved the problem. My light only starts to blink when I really put my foot in it say 90+mph. It then resets when I turn off the engine and restart. It probably has to do with a pressure sensor in the auto trans. I now have put over 70,000 mile for over 115,000 miles and have not had a problem so I let it blink when it comes on. Try having the filter replaced/cleaned too.
your overdrive unit is probably shot. that is the fourth gear or drive as you call it. they have had lots of trouble with all overdrive automatics in the states. your opel is a GM design.
AnswerOn most cars the overdrive is on when you start the car and put it in gear. This is the D (drive) with a circle around it meaning "overdrive". Cars with a center console shifter the overdrive button is usually on the side of the gear shift.You will know if the OD is off because a light on the dash will come on that says O/D off. If it is off there is usually a button on the gear shifter if you have a center console on down on the console next to the shifter.