Will it help people with everyday life? Would you buy it if you saw it? Is it a mechanical advantage to the human life?
This is a website that asks you questions about yourself to determine which breed of dog you would be (based on your personal characteristics) if you were a dog.
There are a number of questions you can ask yourself to determine if a situation is unethical. You can ask if it hurts innocent people for example.
Askmehelpdesk.com is a great resource for manuals and DIY information. The next option would be DIY.com where you can print off "do it yourself" tasks. Both websites have great step-by-step answers to your everyday and "not so everyday" questions.
What do I love to do? How do i want to live? How much money do i need to sustain my life choices.
You help others answer questions and ask questions yourself.
laugh everyday
Yes it s
You help others answer questions and ask questions yourself.
Tick the box applicable to yourself
Depending on the job you're interviewing for there will be different questions that are asked. A good inteviewer will review the job criteria and competencies and then devise the questions to get at those competencies. Look at the job ad and highlight the key things listed in the job. Then put yourself in the interviewers shoes and determine what questions they may ask.
only if you tell them about yourself or they see what you do everyday.