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other than being sufficiently strong for the task, nothing that i know of.

i would worry more about not running the towed vehicle into the towing vehicle and that the towed vehicle has brake lights though.

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Q: When one vehicle is being towed by means of a chain what does the chain need to have displayed on it?
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When one vehicle is towing another by means of chain what does the chain need to have displayed on it?

Vehicle in tow

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need to have displayed?

Towing a vehicle with a chain is illegal in CT USA.

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need to have displayed on it?

white flag

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does a chain need to have displayed on it?

You need to use a tow strap not a chain.

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain need to have displayed on it?

If one vehicle is towing another by chain or any other means on a public highway, it is advisable to warn other road users by placing a sign on the back of the vehicle which is being towed which reads ON TOW

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need have displayed on it?

We are not too smart doing this. Never tow a vehicle with a chain, as this is a accident waiting to happen.

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need to have on display on it?

a pully

When one vehicle is towing another by means of chain what does the chain need to have diplayed on it?

In the state of Connecticut it is illegal to tow a vehicle in that manor.

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need to have displayed o it?

That's actually illegal in most states you need to get a tow truck or a car dolly but if you must use a chain I suggest painting the chain a bright color so if some thing happens and it's laying in the road other drivers can see it. I suggest white or yellow.

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain need to?

they use a saw to cut large cunks of wood or metal

When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain what does the chain's need to have displayed on it?

it is not recommended or legal,to tow a car with a should use a tow bar to flat tow another vehicle.if you choose to tow it with a chain anyway you should run the chain through a piece of pipe to keep the car from hitting the other carnew law says you cannot tow one vehicle behind another vehicle with a chain or rope etc you have to have it on a straight bar if your towing on the public highwayim not sure what you mean if you mean displayed i would think the capacity or tested breaking point would be important.. Legally there should be a marker on the towing chain or rope in middle to make it visible to pedestrians etc. the maximum length should be 4.5MI would NOT recommend a chain for towing. It has no give in it and all shock will be transmitted to the towing points on the vehicles which can even rip these off. I would recommend a nylon (not polypropylene) rope or a purpose made towing rope.strap This should be of a correct rating for the weight being towed. This will allow some give to absorb any shocks.Do not allow the rope to trail on the ground and remember the the towed vehicle does most of the braking. The towing vehicle is there to do the pulling.

What is exibition?

Exhibition means a display or demonstration of works of arts. It can also mean that a particular skill is being displayed.