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Check for weapons, people and contraband

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Q: When moving detainees by rail each car should be searched to ensure the absence of what?
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When moving detainees by rail each car should be searched to ensure the absence of?

Check for weapons, people and contraband

When evaluating a route to be used in moving detainees a major area of concern is the?

When evaluating a route to be used in moving detainees, a major area of concern is the _________________.

When evaluating a route to be used in moving detainees a major area of concern is the built-up areas?

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What will happen in the absence of iron cylinder in a moving coil galvanometer?

it will not work

When you move into a dorm at university or college does your stuff get searched?

No, whenever you are moving to a college or university dormitory, your stuff is never checked.

Why doesn't an object keep moving?

An object will keep moving if no external force acts upon it to stop or change its motion. In the absence of friction or resistance, an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity due to its inertia.

How do you ensure the load is balanced and secure before lifting and moving?

Before lifting and moving a load, ensure that it is properly centered and balanced on the lifting equipment. Ensure that all attachments are secure and that the weight does not exceed the lifting capacity of the equipment. Conduct a pre-use inspection of the equipment and make sure the lifting area is clear of obstacles.

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensure that the are off?

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensures you see if they are coming into your lane or not.

Whose responsibility is it to ensure troops or vehicle cargo is properply stowed before moving?

Driver AND TC

What four points to remember when moving objects?

Ensure proper lifting technique to prevent injury. Use appropriate equipment, such as dollies or straps, when moving heavy items. Clear pathways and remove obstacles to avoid accidents. Communicate with others to coordinate movements and ensure safety.

What happens to moving objects in the absence of a net force?

Moving objects will continue moving at a constant velocity in a straight line without changing their speed or direction, as per Newton's first law of motion. This means that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

How do gallstones produce pale feces?

Gall stones prevent bile from moving out of the gall bladder into the small intestine, the absence of bile causes the pale faeces.