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When the price for repairs cost more than the car is worth.

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Q: When is it time to stop repairing an old car?
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It is a car that was made a long time ago

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There are currently some great incentives to purchase a new car. It really depends on your personal finances and the condition of your current vehicle. If it is affordable then a new car purchase would be a great idea.

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While purchasing a brand new car may seem to be the more expensive option, merely repairing the engine could cost more in the long run. Repairing a car's engine runs the risk of the engine breaking down again and some engines, especially old ones, may be beyond repair and trying to do so would be a waste of money.

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It depends how old the car is. If it's less than 3 yrs old I would raise a stink. I am assuming you mean trim and such, not mechanical parts.

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its generally at 4'9" for their safety but it also depends on how old they are.

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do not ever buy a volkswagen. to fix that car is very frustrating and expensive. worse still, the volkswagen dealers are not cooperative when it comes to repairing an old version.

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You can get a car at any time but you can't drive one until you get your license.

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Because your car is old and a piece of crap. Seriously, check the alternator. It may be dying.

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It locks up because it is a car that knows when to stop. And i am a 10 year old girl. :)