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50/50 front & rear

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Q: When is ideal vehicle balance reached?
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How does the remaining balance in a vehicle repossession case get solved?

Once the vehicle is repoed, if it is not redeemed, the vehicle is sold at auction. This purchase price is applied to the debt. The problem is, the repossession procedure can add much more to the balance owed. So, there is likely to be a remaining balance, and it could be higher than was originally owed on the loan before the vehicle was repoed. In cases where a balance remains, the lender may decide to take legal action and sue the borrower.

What is the ideal pencil hardness for sketching?

The ideal pencil hardness for sketching is usually around HB or 2B, as they offer a good balance between darkness and ease of erasing.

If someone made payments to purchase vehicle and to pay remainder of balance when picking up the vehicle then changes mind is there a refund owed on payments?

No. You are not entitled to a refund if you made payments toward the purchase of a vehicle. In truth, if you signed a contract to purchase the vehicle, that vehicle is now secondary to the contract, you could still be held responsible for the balance of the loan, whether or not you still have the vehicle.

What can happen if car loans are not paid when there is no vehicle do to a wreck?

Then they will repossess the wrecked vehicle, sell it for what they can get, apply that to the loan balance, and you will be responsible for the balance on the loan. They will sue you in court to get it and will win. Now if you continue to make the loan payments, then none of this will happen. Did you not have insurance on this vehicle?

What makes Toyota Yaris an ideal family vehicle?

The latest Toyota Yaris Sedan 2017 is packed with features that make it an ideal family vehicles. It's stylish and youthful exteriors combined with spacious interiors make it an ideal vehicle. Moreover, it's integrated safety features make it suitable for family use.