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When he causes the accident

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Q: When is a parking lot owner responsible for an auto accident?
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Is an auto insurance company responsible for the failure of safety feature malfunction in an accident of an auto they insure?

No. The maintenance of the vehicle is the responsibility of the owner. And, no, the bank is not responsible either because the bank only owns the loan, not the vehicle.

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

If you are involved in an auto collision in a parking lot with a person driving a rented car whose insurance provider is liable the rental car owner or the renter?

Both. Who ever insures the car, will mainly have responsibility to crash . It depends on what state the accident was in. State law would determine who is responsible and loves

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The driver is issued a citation, not the auto, unless its a parking violation. Also the driver is solely resposible for their actions behind the wheel-to bad not everyone is willing to see it that way...

Is the policy owner or the auto owner responsible if a party not listed as driver wrecks the auto in Alabama?

Ultimately the vehicle owner is responsible, but not sure I understand how the owner is also not on the policy? If you could be more specific I could be of more assistance. The policy covering the vehicle (regardless of the owner, subject to exclusions), will cover, thus be responsible for the vehicles damage and actions.

Tree falls on car in private parking lot who is responsible for car damages?

your auto insurance

Are intoxicated drivers involved in an auto accident automatically liable?

yes. Always responsible.

In the state of Texas If an uninsured person driving a borrowed car causes an auto accident does the driver or the owner of the car pay for the accident?

Some states are different, but in Michigan, the company who insured the car is responsible. They can then go after the uninsured driver Some states are different, but in Michigan the company who insured the car is responsible. They can then go after the driver .

How do you handle an auto accident on private property with no insurance?

Generally speaking, the person responsible for the accident is responsible for the damage. If the responsible person refuses to pay ot doesn't pay fast enough, the other can sue them if they wish.

If a passenger in an auto accident owns a car but doesn't have PIP does the driver's PIP pay damages to the passenger?

The driver or owner will be responsible for the passenger's injuries. The passenger's PIP or medical insurance MAY pay the expenses if the responsible party is not insured, but will sue to recover the expenses.

If you have auto insurance get into an accident while driving someone elses vehicle will you be covered by your insurance?

You should immediately report the accident both to your own insurance company and to the vehicle owner's insurance company. Depending upon which state you are in, either one or both insurance companies is responsible.

If you have an auto accident and don't have insurance will the person responsible for the accident insurance pay for your repairs?

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