It's also useful in the summer time it's good for exercise and less "bad" chemicals going into the air
When you have to tow things or bring people places. I dont like cars :P
A car has 4 wheelsa bike has 2you are the engine to a bikea car has an eletrical enginecar runs on gasbike run on energyCars have more thrust than bikes.bikes have less drag than cars. A car is heavier than a bike.a car is more useful than a bike.A car hase at least 4 wheels (2 on each bottom side) and it's electric and doesent have pedals just like bikes do. To move a car you just have to press with your foot on the acelerator adnfor a bike to curculate you have to move the pedals with you feet.A car takes gas but a bike does not.This is a quiz question in Motorcycle safety or to get your permit.It is multiple choice and the answer I believe is "balance and vulnerability".Check you local department of vehicle beginners handbook for motorcycles for actually wording.
A motorbike is louder than a car because the exhaust system is shorter in the bike.
A car has more kinetic energy than a bike because it has a greater mass and generally moves at higher speeds. Kinetic energy is dependent on both an object's mass and its velocity, so the larger, faster-moving car will have more kinetic energy compared to a smaller, slower-moving bike.
A bath A bucket A petrol tank in a car or bike A watering can.
It is not useful because if the liquid run out the car can't stop but if you use air than it is useful as when the air runs out there automatically comes more
Speed doesn't make a big difference. Safety should be the priority In bike there is less safety then car. Obviously car is faster than motor bike.
Yes, it is generally safe to use a car tire pump on a bike, but be cautious not to overinflate the bike tire as car tire pumps can deliver higher pressure than needed for a bike tire.
Depends on what you think "a lot" is. A bike will need more space than a person but less than a car. Just take a look at a parked bike someplace and you'll see roughly how much.
Because bike riding beats walking, and bikes are much cheaper than cars, and most Chinese haven't got the money for a car.
Terrible spelling & grammar. If they are both going 100 km/hr. NEITHER is going faster than the other.They are both going 100 km/hr.