may be second gear or third gear with preparetion before you go down hill
Down shift one gear possibly two.
No the can go faster downhill or uphill
Driver use gear 'L' or '2' when driving uphill or downhill which required higher gear ratio to move the uphill. Downhill wise, driver use '2' or 'L' for safety purpose. The low gear ratio will use the high gear ratio to slow down the speed of driving downhill and creating 'pulling' force on your car to safety purposes. Gear '2' can be use for overtaking on the highway too provided at the appropriate speed.
Your car should adjust to the proper gear it needs when travelling uphill. Usually you need to turn the overdrive off or shift to a lower drive gear when going downhill or towing. That will use the engine to slow the car instead of your brakes. That way they don't overheat to the point of not working.
Gravity. The car is heavy and doesnt want to move, so you must excelerate to make the car go uphill. If a car is going downhill, the is no need to excelerate because gravity is pulling the car downhill.
In a downhill area, you should always park with the front wheels toward the curb. The theory is that if the brakes malfunction, the car will move towards the curb and stop, instead of going downhill, gathering speed and causing an accident.
Yes, stop, set parking brake, then release clutch. it is because the parking brake could fail. used as a precaution. there is also a difference in which gear to use for the direction of the hill. you put reverce when the car is facing downhill and viceversa.
Only if it is going downhill.
That would depend on the gear ratio between the engine and the wheels, and in the diameter of the wheels. The transmission of the car lets you change the gear ratio, so in low gear the car may be going 15 MPH, while in high gear the car may be going at 70 MPH.
Yes, the car must be put in Neutral gear, after going slowly though each gear.
In an car with an automatic transmission, you should be fine not using the parking brake. In one with a manual transmission, leaving the car in gear should suffice, but it can be hard on the transmission to do so. If you are facing downhill, leave the car in reverse. Alternately, if you are facing uphill, leave the car in any one of the forward gears (1st through 3rd-6th depending on what you top gear is).
Most people will tap the brakes of a car when their car is going downhill, usually to keep the car under the speed limit. The squeaking noise could be the brake rotors or the brake pads.Ê