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Day dreaming.

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Q: When driving on the freeway beware a dreamlike trance state known as?
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When driving on free way beware of dreamlike trance?

Highway hypnosis

What is a dreamlike trance while driving called?

Highway hypnosis.

What is a dreamlike trance?

The word 'trance' means a half-conscious or semi-conscious state that is characterized by a failure to respond to external stimuli. Usually a person is placed in a trance by hypnotizing or a trance is entered by a spiritual medium in order to contact the dead.

When driving on freeway a dreamlike trance state known as?

This is called highway hypnosis, or white line fever. People can drive great distances in this state, even responding to external events without having any memory of doing so. The driver's conscious mind is elsewhere, but the subconscious mind is somehow processing environmental information of driving enough to keep them on some sort of "autopilot".

What is a synonym for surreal?

Surreal:adjective:a. characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions.b. having qualities attributed to or associated with surrealism.c. resembling a dream.d. having an oddly dreamlike quality.Synonyms: chimerical, dreamlike, hallucinatory, illusory, imaginary, phantasmagoria, phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, surrealistic, trance-like, unreal, unsubstantial, visionary

How did God call Sampson?

G-d communicated with Samson by prophecy - in a dreamlike trance - same way he "spoke" to all prophets besides for Moses who actually spoke with G-d.

What is a dream like trance while driving called?

what is a dream like stage called while driving

Who is a trance numerologist?

I am a trance medium but I have never heard of a trance numerologist.

How is a trance video supposed to work?

A trance video is one based on the music of trance. Trance is a type of electronic dance music. The genre includes psy trance, vocal, classic, goa, ambient, techno and dream trance. A trance video is supposed to enhance the atmosphere for trance music.

What is an antonym for trance?

what is the antonym for trance

When was Cyber Trance Presents ELT Trance created?

Cyber Trance Presents ELT Trance was created on 2002-02-27.

When was In Trance created?

In Trance was created in 1976.