yes they will so they will know if u had any tickets inthe past or not
They stay on, for 3 yrs or whenever the insurance company renews they re-run your driving record.
I guess you were driving? The ticket (if you received one) may, also if a clue is run then that too may show up. Be sure and be truthful when filling out any application for insurance.
No, you do not require to insure a vehicle if it is kept on your own property. Insurance is only available for cars that are roadworthy and not those in a garage, do not run etc;
victim compensated in hit/run stolen car
No, there are no government-run insurance companies for auto insurance. Any auto insurance that you get will have to be through a private company.
I have Allstate and was just recently involved in a Hit and Run accident. Allstate has done nothing!!! They figure I have full coverage, so I might as well use it. I had a vehicle description, a good witness, driver description, and the name of the dealership where the car was just recently purchased (paper plates). Allstate won't investigate at all. They told me that if "I" find out any thing then they will follow up on it. What a joke!!! I pay good money to be "IN GOOD HANDS." Am I? Hell no. I am dumping ALLSTATE as soon as my truck is fixed. So to answer your question...Don't depend on ALLSTATE to do anything!
Most Ploice (85% or more ) in all states can tell if the insurance on a car is valid from inside the car.
if you don't have an up to date MOT then your insurance is null and void. if your car is stolen then you are only covered if you have fully comp insurance!
yes, if they run a 'clue' or driving record.....your driving record, or violations, of course are under your license and not each vehicle......they are insuring the 'driver' as well as the vehicle........
One can find car insurance information in German from a wide variety of sources. One can find car insurance information in German online with websites run by companies such as Geico and All State.
Contact your agent or policy services for your insurance company and they will be able to tell you.
Depending on the car you are planning to run, in any event, very expensive.