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I'm not sure when it happened!! but i know that it was in the Caribbean islands, and 17 people were killed by it and 4 came out injured. their bodies were discovered all chared and horrible. one mans family were plowing their farm dangerously close to the volcano, it exploded and he got into the car but his family ran in all different directions to get away from it, sadly their bodies were discovered in a horrible state!! :-(

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Q: When did the big eruption at montserrat happen?
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How big was the Montserrat eruption?

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What is the area of montserrat?

Montserrat is an island in the Caribbean. It is one of the Leeward islands and at the time of the famous eruption it had 12,000 inhabitants

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What plates were involved in the montserrat eruption?

The plates involved in the Montserrat eruption are the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate. Montserrat is located along the boundary where these two plates meet. The eruption was caused by the subduction of the North American Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate, leading to volcanic activity on the island.

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When was the day that montserrat had its last eruption?

July 18 2003 was it last eruption July 18 2003 was it last eruption July 18 2003 was it last eruption

Was montserrat eruption predicted?

Yes, the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano in Montserrat in 1995 was preceded by signs of increased volcanic activity, including earthquakes, gas emissions, and ground deformation. Scientists had been monitoring the volcano and had issued warnings about the potential for an eruption.

Was the eruption of montserrat a composite volcano?

Yes, the eruption on Montserrat was primarily associated with the Soufrière Hills volcano, which is a stratovolcano or composite volcano due to its steep sides and explosive eruptions caused by viscous lava.

When did Capture of Montserrat happen?

Capture of Montserrat happened on 1782-02-22.

What was the total cost of damage because of mount montserrat?

The total cost of damage because of the eruption of Mount Montserrat is believed to be close to 300 million dollars. The eruption also put a halt to the entire city of Providence and its economy.

How long did Montserrat last for?

it was dormant for 400 years before it erupted.