Cars started to become popular around 1908 and became common in the 1920s.
The most popular used cars in the UK are the ones driven by people living in the UK. The least popular are those cars on sales lot that are not yet worthy of having someone drive them. Although it is common to have those unworthy cars suddenly become worthy. This occurrence happens less frequently when the economy is in the tank. -the Internet doc
No but sightings have become common!
In the UK, if the vehicle was registered before 1973 it can be eligible for Historical exemption.
a long time ago
so that it does not become too common on road
First cars were invented in the late 1800s and become more common in the early 1900s.
Late 1996 for trucks. 87 in cars
Motor cars began to become more common in Kenya in the late 1920s and 1930s, following the colonial period. However, their popularity significantly increased in the decades that followed due to improvements in infrastructure and an expanding economy.
Number of cars on the road in the UK, nearest date 2016 is 31.7 million
there is only one in the uk