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The first domestic (U.S.) built car I have seen with "back-up lights" was a 1958 Chevrolet Impala. The center light was white of the three "bullet" tailights. Other cars may have had them as "add ons" purchased at auto accessory stores

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What are the back-up lights for cars?

"Back up lights" are the same as reverse lights. Lights that "turn on" when vehicle is put into reverse gear to illuminate the rear of the car so you can see when backing up.

What is the lights on the back of a car called?

On the back of a car there are tail lights, turn signals, and brake lights. Cars also have back up lights that tell people when the car is in reverse.

What could be wrong if your daytime running lights and your back up lights do not work?

The first thing I'd do is check the fuse. If the fuse is good the you might have a short in a wire somewhere.

Does the light across the back of a Cadillac CTS lights up?

yes, it lights up only when brake is applied

Need the fuse location for rear lights for 95 ford ranger brake lights work but rear light do not?

the #3 slot is for the parking lights #11 is for the warning lights #21 is for hazzard lights and #26 is the back up lights the #3 slot is for the parking lights #11 is for the warning lights #21 is for hazzard lights and #26 is the back up lights

What does a back-up switch do on a 2002 2500HD?

It turns the back up LIGHTS on, on the rear of the truck.

Why are your back up lights always on?

The back up light switch is stuck closed or broken.

How many types of car lights can be found?

On an average car, there are high and low beam lights for night driving, clearance lights on the front and back, front and rear turn signals, and back-up lights used when backing up.

Where is the brake light fuse located in the fuse box 1997 Honda civic?

Try these: 19 BACK-UP LIGHTS 7.5 10-3 Back-up lights. 32 LICENSE LIGHTS 7.5 100-1 Parking lights, License plate lights, Tail lights.

How do you turn the head lights off while sitting idle in my 2002 Chevrolet Malibu after dark?

First shut the vehicle off, then set the parking brake, then start it back up, the lights should remain off. Once you release the e-brake the lights will come back on.

When put in reverse Back up lights do not work Brake lights and tail lights work fuse is good checked bulbs no power please tell you what to check from here?

Check the fuses first. If the fuses are ok check the reverse switch. The switch is under the dash on some models, and on the transmission on others. A bad or misaligned switch is the most likely cause for no back up lights.