When the "owner" stops paying for it, the bank will probably call repeatedly and may send something in the mail.
Seven years.
you took a loan to finace the car from the dealer- the bank holds the title to your car- you are the owner and respondsilbe to pay the loan or the bank or fiance companmy can reposses your car
A creditor cannot reposses a car without BK court approval (i.e. relief from the automatyic stay). However, if you do not keep paying the car loan, a BK will allow a creditor to reposses the car.
You search for it.
Every financial institution is different. Typically 1 to 3 months.
As long as the bank is listed as the lienholder on the title and as long as you owe them money and haven't paid they can repossess the car.
You are driving with an invalid registration. That means you can get a ticket.
can a finance company reposses your vehicle if you made your payment on the15 day
Put key in, start car & drive away.
It depends. Did the bank reposses or did you turn the car over in lew of payment(this would have been worked out with the bank)If the bank repo'ed the car, once they have sold the vehicle they could sue you for the the balance owed (subject to state laws that may govern this transaction.)
When the owner defaults on the loan payments