Your premiums could be affected, Talk to your insurer and find out because every insurer is different on situations like this.
Globe Life and Accident Insurance is a license holder for the named after insurances in the United States. They are rated A+ based on management skills, financial strength and integrity. They have 3,8 million policy holder.
policy holder
is it a policy holder?
Premiums for insurance policy are comprised of: - A rating based on the vehicle make and model - Whether or not the vehicle has a loan - The age of the operator - The gender of the operator - The coverages selected including: liability, comprehensive, collision, uninsured motorist, personal injury protection and any additional policy features such as roadside assistance, or rental reimbursement. - In determining premiums discounts such as Accident free, or a good student discount are included - Your city and state - The number of tickets or accidents the policy holder has
Driver who is not included as an operator in vehicle policy but has a auto policy of his own is termed as "Deferred operator".
An accident policy is an insurance policy that will pay all or a portion of medical expenses incurred in the course of an accident.
A non fault car accident claim indicates that the insured individual does not have to incur any loss. The additional advantage is that the policy holder gets reimbursed by the company that he or she has been a member of.
It depends upon situation If it's non fault accident claim, insured individual does not have to incur any loss and additional advantage is that the policy holder gets reimbursed by the company.
Yes, it does not matter if you have your own policy or are listed on someone else's policy, you will be surcharged for the DUI probably for the next 5 years.
The person can be called Policy Holder,Insured, Life Assured as the case may be.
do what ever man who cares about what we think.tell santa then cry him a river..