As a supervisor you should establish a safe work environment and safety-conscience workforce. Supervisors should also
Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Workers' Compensation (OWC)
Injury compensation program administrator (ICPA)
Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Workers' Compensation (OWC)
When a workman's compensation case is presented the supervisor should
Injury Compensation Program Administrator (ICPA)
The supervisor should file the claim with the Injury Compensation Program Administrator (ICPA).
The supervisor should file the claim with the Injury Compensation Program Administrator (ICPA).
A supervisor can marry an employee if they are in love
The supervisor emoployee ration gives an idication how many managers are in avarage per employee.
struct employee { }; struct supervisor : employee { // single inheritance -- a supervisor inherits all the public and protected properties of an employee. }; struct manager : supervisor { // multilevel inheritance -- a manager inherits all the public and protected properties of a supervisor (and therefore an employee). };
This is an ethics problem and the supervisor should be reported to the Human Resource Department. Supervisor should be reported to the Human Resource Manager.
Contact employee