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The organs in the abdominal and thoracic cavity are most vulnerable when a person is involved in an automobile accident. The most common injuries are to the spleen, liver, and lungs. The reason that these organs are impacted the most is the force of the impact as well as pressure from the seat belt.

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Q: When a person is involved in an automobile accident what organs are most vulnerable and why?
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When the body is subject to physical trauma such as in an automobile accident which organs are the most vulnerable to injury homeostatic imbalance?

I believe that the kidneys, brain, and lungs are most vulnerable to accidental trauma, but the heart, kidney, brain, eyes would be more open to direct trauma, such as a strike or directional impact.

Which organs least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

Urinary Bladder: The urinary bladder is very well protected in the pelvic cavity by the two hip bones

Is urinary bladder is least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

No, the urinary bladder is at risk of being damaged in an automobile accident, especially if there is blunt trauma to the lower abdomen. The bladder is a hollow organ that can rupture or tear if subjected to significant force, which can result in serious complications and the need for medical intervention.

Why are the abdominopelvic cavity organs the most vulnerable in an autonomic accident?

A seat belt, which should be worn, can cause injury. There is no boney protection as the chest has. A head injury could be worse.

Can you give an organ?

Yes you can, but there is a process involved. Many states have a small card that people carry to give permission if there is an accident that their organs can be harvested for those who need them.

Should people be able to sell their organs?

The sale of organs raises ethical concerns about exploitation and inequality. It may incentivize vulnerable individuals to sell their organs for financial gain, potentially leading to coercion and exploitation. Instead, it is better to focus on improving organ donation systems and promoting voluntary and altruistic organ donation to ensure fairness and protect the well-being of all individuals involved.

What contains organs involved in internal fertilization?

Contains organs involved in internal fertilizayion

What glands and organs are involved in insulin?

the organs involved in insulin are liver and liver muscle and the pancreas

What abdominal organs are not involved in digestion of the fetal pig?

Certain abdominal organs are not involved in the digestive process. In fetal pigs, these organs include the liver and the kidneys.

What do reproduction organs do?

They are involved with the creation of a new copy of an animal (plant). Thus, reproductive organs are involved with the reproduction of the species.

What are the organs involved in skeletal systems.give the functions of each organs?


What organs are involved in Oogenesis?

Oogenesis is the process of forming female gametes (eggs) and it primarily occurs in the ovaries. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain also play roles in regulating the hormones (FSH and LH) required for oogenesis to occur.