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Q: When a car turns a corner causes its passengers to feel like they are being pushed away from the direction of the turn?
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When a car turns a corner causes it's passengers to feel like they are being pushed away from the direction of the Turn?


When a car turns a corner what caused its passengers to feel like they are being pushed away from the direction of the turn?

The passengers feel like they are being pushed away from the direction of the turn due to inertia. As the car turns, the passengers' bodies want to continue in a straight line due to their inertia. This causes them to feel a sensation of being pushed towards the outer side of the turn.

Why object in space float away and in which direction?

An object in space won't float off in any direction unless it is pushed. When it is it will go in the direction it is pushed and continue until it is either pushed again or bumps into something.

What happen to the speed of moving object when it is pushed in the direction of motion?

When a moving object is pushed in the direction of its motion the speed of the object increases

What happened to the speed of moving object when it is pushed in the direction of motion?

When a moving object is pushed in the direction of its motion the speed of the object increases

Is everything pushed or are objects also pulled?

Objects can be both pushed and pulled. When an object moves in a direction away from the force applied, it is considered to have been pushed. Conversely, when an object moves in the direction of the force applied, it is considered to have been pulled.

What causes objects to slow down when no longer pushed?

Objects slow down when no longer pushed due to the presence of forces such as friction and air resistance. These forces act in the opposite direction to the object's motion, causing it to lose speed and eventually come to a stop.

Explain how inertia affects the passengers when a bus starts suddenly?

When a bus starts suddenly, the passengers tend to be pushed backward due to their inertia. As the bus accelerates forward, the passengers’ bodies want to stay at rest, causing them to experience a sensation of being pushed back into their seats until their bodies catch up with the bus's motion.

What is spit formation?

A spit is formed due to the process of the long shore drift, the waves approach the beach in the direction of the prevailing winds, this causes the sediment to be pushed up the beach at an angle.

What happens to the speed of moving object when it is pushed in the direction of motion?

When a moving object is pushed in the direction of its motion, its speed increases. The force applied in the direction of motion adds to the object's velocity, resulting in acceleration.

What direction does the ball have to be hit from a centrepass in hockey?

It can be hit (or pushed or dragged) in whatever direction the player wants to go.

What is the direction of the force when the ball is pushed to the right?

A force on an object in a certain direction will tend to move the object in the same direction. Hence, the force is to the right.