Your credit is damaged. You are then responsible for the difference in what the lender sells the car for and the balance on the note. It cost you in more ways than one. Don;t let it happen to you. The lender does not want to repo the car. Work out something with them.
The former owner of the car, now still owner of the DEBT, gets to pay the debt. The leinholder will likely get a judgment for the balance due and proceed to collect. Uless your name is 'turnip", you will pay.
if i get my car repossessed, can they put a llien on the house?
When a car is repossessed it usually means the owner is no longer able to make the payments. It is repossessed by the dealer or the bank in which to owner has the loan through.
A car cannot be repossessed until the owner has missed several car payments and the owner has been notified of late payments. In most states a car can be repossessed after three months of non-payment.
yes you will be responsible.
The car can be repossessed. The estate is responsible to return the vehicle and resolve the lease or loan.
In most cases YES
The owner of the car listed on the insurance policy.
The owner of the car (person(s)) who took the loan on the car are responsible
The other co-owner or cosigner will be responsible for the debt.
It depends on what the new owner plans to do with your unit. You can ask the current owner if he knows.
If it was repossessed legally then he is guilty of theft