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no your uninsured motorist will though. your deductable will be lower, and making too many claims on homeowners will likely caused them to be dropped by the company. i once heard you can only make a claim on homeowners once every 3 years but i don't know if that's true.

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Q: When a car is a hit and run on friends property does their homeowners insurance cover the damages?
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Does homeowners insurance cover theft or robbery when theft occurred from another persons property?

Yes. Homeowners policies provide coverage for theft or any other covered cause such as fire, tornado, etc. when the property is located off premises. The amount of coverage is generally 10% of coverage C (Contents) for property located off premises. This covers property at a friends house, in a hotel on vacation, in your child's dorm room at college, and just about anywhere else. Homeowners policies is probably the best value there is in insurance due to the amount of coverages it provides for the low premiums.

When watching a friends dog it is injured will insurance cover medical expenses?

Domestic animals are not covered under the homeowners policy. As it pertains to a liability situation, a dog would be considered 'property' and the homeowners "damage to property of others" provision in the liability section of the policy applies but only if you were the one who injured the dog, usually with a limit such as $500.

If you borrow a friends car and wreck it will your liability insurance cover the damages?

depends on your insurance plan, call your adjuster.

A tree fell on your car at a friends house but they say the tree is on the neighbors property how can you prove whose property the tree is on?

It does not matter who the tree belongs too because neither one is liable for the damage to your car. A property owner is not liable for an act of nature and homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles. Your comprehensive auto insurance will cover your vehicle for damage from an act of nature.

I was injured by a friends dog while attending a picnic. Their homeowners insurance is paying my hospital and dentists bills. Can I also recover some funds for punitive damages without suing?

No, not without suing. "Punitive" awards are for 'Punishment", basically meaning that you assert your friend inflicted your injuries intentionally or through wanton disregard, with malice and intent. Like they did it all on purpose maybe sicking their vicious dog on you. It would not be an accident and could elevate the matter to a criminal assault. If your injury was not an accident, or the result of an assault or criminal negligence, then the homeowners insurance would not cover any damages at all. This is because home insurance excludes all coverage and damages from criminal acts of the insured.

Does homeowners insurance cover a garage door that was hit be a friends vehicle and his vehicle?

Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.

Will homeowners insurance cover a friends stolen laptop from my home?

Stolen Laptops and Home InsuranceNo, homeowners Insurance only covers theft of the Named Insured's property, not the property of others. Refer to the "Personal Property" coverage section of the policy.More sSome policies may allow a homeowner to elect coverage for the property of others while it is on the residence premises. If the laptop is the only item stolen, the policy deductible will apply.On theft claims, the company will be looking to see that a police report of the break-in has been filed. In addition, your friend's claims experience with his insurance company can be negatively affected resulting in increased premiums. The insurance company could non-renew his policy if he has several claims of this type.

New driver gets into accident with friends car with no insurance friend only has GDL who's liable for damages to both cars?

If it was your fault then your freind is liable for the damages. If it was the other guys fault then his insurance will pay for it. Keep in mind, while legally it is the owners responsibility for the damages, he can sue you if he wanted to.

Does home owners insurance cover if your friends car was broken into?

If YOUR belongings were in the friend's car and they were stolen, they are covered on YOUR homeowners or renters policy. If your friend's belongings were stolen from a car, HIS or HER homeowners/renters policy would pay.

You have no car or insurance if you drive a friends car are you covered by their insurance?

Provided that there are no exclusions in your friends policy, anybody driver their car with permission will be covered if they cause an accident. You are of course subject to the coverages and limits on your friends policy. Ex, if your friend has just liability, the insurance company will only pay for damages you cause to the other party, not damage to the vehicle you were driving.

My Husband was in a acident in a friends house. We have to file a claim with the homeowners insurance but they are not cooperating. How do I find a homeowners insurance company and policy number I have the name and the adress.?

There are a substantial amount of business that offer homeowners insurance in your area so without the specific name of yours I am unable to find out where you should go to get your policy number. If you are looking to find your existing insurance information then you should conduct a search on the internet using the insurance company name and city which should bring it up. If you are looking for new insurance company you could contact Allstate which has a very good reputation @ 345 South Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas @ (760) 479-1370

If I have property stolen from a friends car should their home owners cover the loss or mine?

Neither homeowner's insurance will probably cover property stolen from a car. Homeowner's insurance usually only covers stuff stolen from your home. However, the automobile insurance policy might cover it.