First if all, energy is never created, nor does it disappear . . . but I know what you mean. "What energy is its kinetic (motion) energy transformed to?" The answer is "kinetic energy plus heat".
When energy hits the ground, it is transferred into various forms such as heat, sound, and mechanical energy. The impact can create vibrations that dissipate as heat or sound waves, and some energy may also be absorbed by the ground itself.
So that if it hits anything it does not effect your bike and plastic is the most lightest and strongest material.
Kinetic energy turns into sound energy when an object in motion interacts with air molecules, causing them to vibrate and create sound waves. This can happen when an object moves quickly or collides with another object, converting its kinetic energy into sound energy.
When light energy hits matter, the energy is either absorbed, reflected, or transmitted through the material. This interaction can lead to the formation of other forms of energy, such as heat, electrical energy, or chemical energy.
Sound energy is not released when a nail hits a hammer. The energy is mainly transferred as kinetic energy (motion) and a small amount of thermal energy due to friction.
The energy transferred when an object hits a target is called kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion possessed by an object due to its velocity. When the object makes contact with the target, this energy is transferred to the target.
When a falling stone hits the ground, its kinetic energy is mostly converted into sound energy, heat energy, and some energy used to break pieces of the ground.
When a hammer hits a nail, the kinetic energy of the moving hammer is converted into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy drives the nail into the surface it is being hammered into.
When a book hits the floor, the potential energy of the book is transformed into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact, some of the kinetic energy is converted into sound and heat energy, resulting in the book coming to a stop.
In episode 16 of Gravity Falls, titled "Carpet Diem," Dipper and Mabel find a magic carpet that allows them to switch bodies. They each experience what it's like to live in the other's shoes, leading to humorous and chaotic situations. By the end of the episode, they learn valuable lessons about empathy and understanding each other's perspectives.
When a hammer hits a nail, the kinetic energy of the hammer is transferred to the nail, causing it to move. Some of the kinetic energy is also transformed into sound and heat energy due to the collision.
When a ball hits the ground, the potential energy it had due to its height is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact, some of this kinetic energy is transferred into sound and heat energy through the compression of the ball and ground.