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If you elect to renew coverage two days after expiration, some companies may agree to make coverage continuous (for licensing/contract requirements) but they will likely require you to sign a No Loss Statement.

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Q: When a General Contractors General Liability Insurance is up for renewal is there a grace period after the date of experation that the General Contractor is still covered under to decide to renew?
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What is the Liability of homeowner acting as General contractor?

Homeowners insurance does not have liability coverage for your job occupation. You can obtain contractors insurance for liability coverage.

Does contractor liability insurance cover poor workmanship?

No. Workmanship is not covered under a artisan contractors liability policy.

Where can one find a contractor for general liability insurance in Mobile Alabama?

Yellowpages is a great resource to find a contractor for general liability insurance in Mobile, Alabama. The website contains contact information for multiple contractors.

How do you find out if a contractor has liability insurance?

It depends on the state most of them will have a website that you can check with the contractors state license board. Ask for a certificate of insurance.

Which insurance carrier pays on Florida condo negligence of contractor claim?

The contractors General Liability Insurance would cover accidents and quality of workmanship issues that result from the activity of the Contractor.

What is contractor liability?

Liability insurance is required for contractors in many states as a requisite to work. It protects both the contractor - the worker, and you - the employer, from any liability if the contractor is injured on the job (at your home.) Basically, if he is insured, you don't have to worry about being sued if he gets hurt on your property.

Is liability insurance the only insurance available for contractors?

The answer to this question is no. There are lots of liability insurance available for contractors. It is depends on what kind of insurance the contractors wants to purchase.

Is there a professional liability insurance for a Residential contractor in SC?

What your looking for is Commercial General Liability Insurance for contractors, not professional liability insurance.And Yes. Almost any Commercial lines carrier will provide CGL coverage as well..

What kind of insurance policy do I need to start a construction business?

Most states require some form of contractors liability insurance for contractors to operate a business. It is also in the contractors best interest to have liability insurance to protect against any type of problems which may arise during construction. Liability insurance is also a marketing tool which many customers like to see when choosing a contractor.

Why is general contractor insurance required?

Contractors will be required to carry a minimum of public liability insurance when working on sites. This provides indemnity against damage to property or persons caused by the contractor, his staff or his equipment.

What is contractor liability insurance?

Contractors Liability Insurance is actually a form of Commercial General Liability (CGL)insurance tailored for the construction contractors market. CGL provides insurance for your company in the event you cause property damage and/or bodily injury to a third party. (i.e., your customer or an innocent third party) CGL comes in different forms with different coverage It is essential to match yours coverage needs with your work risk exposure. A good insurance professional can help you with this. NOTE Liability insurance does not cover poor workmanship, tools or injury to employees.

As an independent sub-contractor are you required to get professional liability insurance?

This depends on a number of things. It's hard to say without knowing what kind of work you are sub-contracting. First determine if you need Professional Liability coverage Or Commercial Liability Coverage. They are very different products. Most General Contractors do require the subs to carry insurance. Otherwise the General Contractor will have to pay much more for insurance coverage that effectively covers his or her own activities as well as those of the sub-contractors. If the General Contractor you are doing work for already has coverage for his subs under their insurance (usually not). What is the nature of your agreement with the General Contractor. Some Contractors insurance policies cover subs while others do not.