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It's the same on your credit, However it will save you money on repossessions fees if you voluntary Take the car back, because the Lender or finance company wont have to send out a repo. team to recover the car witch cost a lot of money and time. The repossessions will look about the same on your Credit, However it best to voluntary give it back, Because if you cant pay fo it then the right thing is to give it back to the Legal owner! It's the same on your credit, However it will save you money on repossessions fees if you voluntary Take the car back, because the Lender or finance company wont have to send out a repo. team to recover the car witch cost a lot of money and time. The repossessions will look about the same on your Credit, However it best to voluntary give it back, Because if you cant pay fo it then the right thing is to give it back to the Legal owner!

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