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Q: What would you feel if you if a car hit your bladder and you had'nt pee'ed in 2 days?
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Will two hits of meth register on a drug test 2 days later even if i hadnt smoked in 104 days?

Will it?...I don't know. It depends on the person. Can it??....DEFINITELY. I would go with assuming that it would take the usual 4-7 days for meth to get out of a person's system for a urine screen and around 3 days for a saliva test.

How long does it take the bowels and bladder to evacuate after death?

This depends upon the trajectory of death, and whether or not the bowels and bladder had any contents. But when a person dies such muscles are released immediately, so would bowel and bladder content.

Can a Bladder infection cause early period?

I would say yes it can because my last period was 2 days early, and 2 weeks after my period I am now having symptoms of UTI so that`s why I believe they can effect the other.

If you use heroin one time will it be out your urine in 3 days from the time of use?

yes it should for most users. There have been times where some users found that it hadnt gone from there system in the 3 days but in 4 or 5. Drinking lots of water helps.

How long will a person live only the bladder fluch now kidney function full of cancer?

A person may only last 2 days if his or her urinary bladder is not well-functioning.

What body cavity would have to be open for the removal of the ball bladder?

These days, they do not have to open any body cavity to remove the gallbladder. They just make a tiny incision (maybe two) and take it out through your abdomen.

What if you applied your patch a few days too early cause you thought your period had started and you hadnt checked again until after you applied the patch?

There's no harm in applying the patch a few day too early. If it's your first patch, just use a backup method for seven days.

When can a puppy control its bladder?

Within 10 days of birth puppies can open their eyes and afew days later they can hear, it usually takes around 6 weeks for them to properly gain control of their bladder and the first few days they are weak and accidents happen.

What holds urine before it is released?

Urine is held in the bladder before it is released. The bladder is a muscular organ located in the lower abdomen, and it expands to store urine until it is ready to be emptied through the urethra during urination.

What does it mean when you have pains and the bottom of your belly and it burns when you got to the toilet?

bladder infection-- i had that; and it was a bladder infection. go to the hospital, get medicine no big deal.

Why do you have to pee?

To eliminate waste from the blood. The kidneys take nitrogenous wastes out of the blood and pull some water out as well to make urine, which then flows down the ureters and into the bladder, and when you're ready to go, from the bladder through the urethra and out of the body. If your kidneys didn't do this, you would die within a few days without dialysis, so it's an important function.

Have pressure in my bladder and feels like I have to pee?

an overactive bladder, but that is probably something you are born with (im no doctor) If this just started happening, maybe you just drink more liquids or maybe your pregnant. I would doubt you would be pregnant because my girlfriend and i have had that scare and she seems to have to pee alot before her next period. If it becimes overwhelming i would see a doctor though.