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Q: What would qualify as an implied warranty in an insurance contract?
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Related questions

Does a parent have to cover a child on insurance until they are 18 even if they have graduated high school?

Yes. Because a child under the age of 18 is not allowed to enter into any type of contract. Getting their own insurance would qualify as a binding contract.

As a military vet, do I qualify for Champus insurance?

yes as military you do qualify for he champus insurance . you can get further deails on

How do I know if I qualify for life insurance?

Call or go online for a free life insurance quote to see what you can qualify for without a physical exam.

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Does a land contract qualify a first time home buyer for the new tax credit?

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How do you get government sponsored car insurance?

You can learn about government sponsored car insurance at It is for low income families and has strict guidelines to qualify.

Where can I find income protection insurance that I qualify for?

There are many reputable insurance companies that provide income protection insurance. Progressive, State Farm, and Geico are all good companies and can assist you with what you qualify for.

What are the terms for one to qualify for the Prudential Disability Insurance?

To qualify for Prundential Disability Insurance you have to consult your local Prudential office. They offer insurance on a case by case basis and have the full right to deny anyone applying.

What would qualify one to receive an HP warranty check?

One qualifies to receive a HP warranty check if they have any HP product that has a fault within the time frame and terms of the warranty. If one has done anything that invalidates the terms of the warranty they will not be receive a warranty check.

Where can i purchase health insurance?

Depending on how many hours you work, how big your family is and what your income is you might qualify for insurance through your county welfare department. Its worth checking into if you qualify.

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Can your homeowner's insurance be transferred?

No, Insurance is not transferable. Each insured has to qualify based on their own risk factors.