If the exhaust system was very leaky, the exhaust gasses would just leak out. If the system was well sealed, it might blow up the muffler or other component, or blow out a gasket. It might also just blow out whatever you stuck in the exhaust pipe.
then we'd all be stuck in it so we would have to develop gills like fish or something like that
The food would be stuck in your esophagus
Well you would get electracuted.
Jordan, why would you do that. /).-
All the girls would chase me about.
you would really look stupid and it would probably get stuck lol
You would probably fall over or hurt yourself.
the circuit would not be complete. the lightbulb would not light or the buzzer would not buzz
You would have your lips stuck together until you somehow got it to unstick
if you make it happen
by using fleshlight product any chances of hiv there