If you have a manual gearbox you should use neutral AND foot brake at traffic lights. If you have automatic you can leave it in Drive with your foot firmly on the foot brake. (Some instructors would tell you to move it to neutral and keep your foot on the foot brake.)
A siezed brakepad or shoe or the emergency brake is on.
place a latex condom over brake pedal and that should do the trick
You should consult the owner's manual, as this appears to be a fuse/electrical issue. You might also consider removing your foot from the brake pedal when driving at night. Happy braking!
Either brakes or bearings. The brake caliber may be sticking, parking brake mis-adjusted, if on the rear, or you are driving with your foot on the brake. Also a bad wheel bearing will get extremely hot.
Have your ball joints checked out.
The emergency brake release on a 2010 Chevy Malibu is located beside your left foot. You would push down on the emergency brake pedal to release it while having your right foot on the regular brake.
if a car ran over your foot would it brake because your foot has bones in it and they are very sneaative?
The brake pad squealers are warning you to have the brakes serviced soon.
Sticking brake calipers. This can be caused by moisture in the brake fluid which will cause the calipers to rust. Replace the calibers and replace all the brake fluid. It can also be caused by driving with your foot on the brake.
Taking your foot off the brake pedal...?