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Faulty vehicle speed sensor.

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James Nee

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9mo ago
Already changed speed sencer

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Q: What would cause speedometer failure on freightliner Columbia?
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What is tha cause of a speedometer not two work?

Connection failure.

What does the ecu code 128 stand for on a 2008 freightliner Columbia with 515 Detroit?

ECU code 128 is a common error code in relation to a coolant sensor, injector, EGR or temperature sensor problem on your Columbia freightliner. As it is a general fault code and the cause could be one of 4 problems you need to get it checked at your local dealer or repair shop.

Why would the speedometer on a 92 s10 quit working?

ignition switch under dash will cause preimpted failure if kicked out sequence with key starting rod.

Why does the speedometer on your 2003 galant not work?

There are several things that can cause your 2003 Mitsubishi Gallant speedometer not to work. The most common cause is a malfunctioning speedometer cable.

If the speedometer stop working on an Toyota a 91 corolla what part needs to be replace?

You may need to replace the speedometer fuse. The speedometer cable can cause your speedometer to stop working. The speed sensor can also cause the speedometer to stop working.

The speedometer on your 2003 vw passat doesnt work how can you fix it?

There are several things that can cause your speedometer to stop working. The most common cause is a blown fuse. The second most common cause is a malfunctioning speedometer cable.

What is one cause of heart failure?

Plants cause heart failure

How do you fix 2005 freightliner with faulty interior lites failing?

You figure out what the cause of the problem is first.

How do you repair a speedometer on a 1999 Dodge Ram?

The rear axle speed sensor is the usual cause of an inoperative speedometer.

What could cause speedometer problems in a 1996 Nissan Pathfinder?

the speed sensor, trans. sensor , or the speedometer cable

Does a speed sensor cause the speedometer to quit working on a Ford Taurus?

Either that, or the speedometer cable went bad.

What would cause the speedometer and odometer to fail in a '97 Saturn S12?

sounds like a broken speedometer cable.