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a fuse

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Q: What would cause my dashboard lights and tail lights to go out?
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The fuse box is on the right side of dashboard when door is open, tail light fuse will cause tail and dash lights to go out.

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did you check the fuse?

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You need a new fuse

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Brake lights and turn signals are on a separate circuit from the tail lights. Tail lights are on the same circuit with the dashboard lights. If the dashboard lights aren't working either, check the fuse. If they ARE working, check the headlight switch.

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Why won't the dashboard lights and the tail lights turn on in a 1988 GMC truck?

Probably a fuse

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From my Experience most of the time its a fuse that is blown. The dashboard and tail lights run off the same fuse

The Tailights and Dashboard Lights Have stopped working anyone know why this would happen?

Tail-lights and dashboard lights are on the same switch on the dashboard and on the same fuse. Check the fuse and if that's not it check the switch. Check the fuse underneath the hood. There are some main fuses underneath the hood. I had the same problem on my Chevy P-U when I lowered my boat into the lake, it blew the fuse underneath the hood and I had no tail or dash lights.

You lost dashboard lights and the tail lights of a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo any ideas as to why?

check fuses

Dashboard and tail lights not working on Mitsubishi shogun?

Check the fuse or the wiring