Could be,
A very high mileage/worn out engine,
The PCV system not in working order,
broken rings
Excessive internal engine wear (bad rings)
A dead battery would not cause an engine to seize
What would cause the engine not to restart when hot Chevy Trailblazer 2007?
No, it would cause the engine to run poorly but not to seize. Lack of lubrication or overheating will cause that. Also a broken part, as in a rod, will cause it to seize.
Many things could cause an engine to shake. One, for example, would be low coolant or oil levels.
Driving through flood water would cause the ignition to fail and stall the engine.
it would cause cancer to develop
most snapped timing belts will in most cases cause engine damage,the only exception would be a freewheeling engine were valve to piston contact would be minimal an interference type engine would cause damage.
Yes it can.
Most definitely. Any miss will cause the engine to shake. A vacuum leak will also cause this.