A fuse blows when the circuit is drawing too much current. It could be a short or an overload.
A blown fuse is always a sign of excessive current flow. In this case, it's probably caused by a short circuit in the brake light wiring.
you probbaly have a short in the wiring. i would take it to a shop
just replace it and make sure you undo whatever you did to blow it.
If replacing the main fuse does not make the repair, it is likely another fuse is also blown. Sometimes fuses will blow all along a circuit.
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If you do not dissconnect the battery, you will blow the main fuse usaly located in the engine compartmet.
Its possible you:ve blown a fuse, I would check them first.could also be window motor or your main window control
Main reason is for safety. Another reason is because if there is a heavy load, you may blow the fuse.
The main difference between a T fuse and an F fuse is the time it takes for the fuse to blow and interrupt an electrical circuit. T fuses have a time-delay feature, meaning they can withstand temporary overloads without blowing. F fuses, on the other hand, are fast-acting and blow quickly when they detect an overload.
His job was to get gun powder, move it to Parliament And light the fuse to blow up Parliament.
Malfunctioning alternator, malfunctionining fuse panel, short in the main power wires, ECM failure... take your pick.