The oil because oil turns into gas which gives energy like the mitochondria makes ribosomes that produce proteins for the cell.
The engine would be considered the mitochondria of a car, as it is the powerhouse that generates energy to propel the vehicle. It converts fuel into mechanical energy, which is essential for the car to function.
the cell wouldn't know what to do.the mitochondria of A CELL is like the batteri of a car , if the cell had know mitochondria, it wouldn't work right
The pistons because it transfers energy through the cell, like pipes and wires do.
you cant lose your mitochondria but if you could you would die
If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.
Mitochondria as the heart requires a lot of energy.
Lactate would not be usable by the mitochondria in the absence of glycolytic enzymes. Glycolytic enzymes are necessary to convert glucose into pyruvate, which can then enter the mitochondria for further energy production. Without these enzymes, lactate would accumulate and cannot be metabolized by the mitochondria.
No, the yeast cell would not be able to grow without mitochondria because mitochondria are essential for generating energy through aerobic respiration. Without mitochondria, the yeast cell would not be able to produce ATP efficiently and would not be able to meet its energy requirements for growth and functioning.
If the mitochondria were removed, everything would begin to function more slowly. This would be due to the lack of energy.
We would die. Fairly quickly. Modern medical science would not be able to save anyone.
in a plant
Power House