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Provided they have a matching power-to-weight ratio, the more aerodynamic car will typically have an upper hand, due to decreased wind resistance over the boxier car.

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Q: What will move faster a race car shaped like a box or a race car shaped like a rocket?
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action & reaction. The burning of rocket fuel produces gases that move fast and make the rocket move the opposite way

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sharks have always been relatively closely shaped to the way they are shaped now. they are very streamlined which allows them to move fast and be apex predators.

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Like normal punching but move your arm faster

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Why do the gases and waste products move backwards out of rockets?

Well its the only place they can move. It also helps to move the rocket upwards or wherever the rocket is going. This is the basic principle of Rocket. Rocket is propelled and move forward because of the pressure difference between the combustion chamber and the atmosphere and the coresponding raction force.. Pressure is created by burning fuel inside the chamber. Since there is only one opening in the rocket the gases move on the reverse direction of the rocket movement. ( the backward direction)

Can a rocket move the moon?

inposible. no.