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You will be ticketed and fined for driving without a licence and driving without insurance, if your state mandates minimum insurance. If you are found to be liable, there is a good chance you will have to pay the other motorist's expenses out of pocket. Also, I hope for your sake that you didn't panic and run. If you get into an accident do not leave the scene. Wait for the police. You look like you are in the wrong if you run, even if you are not. Plus it's illegal. I'm not a legal expert, but if I were you I'd get a lawer. You are in a good position to be "taken to the cleaners," so to speak.

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Q: What will happen if you are driving by yourself with a permit and no insurance and you hit someone?
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What would happen if you are driving by yourself with a permit and no insurance and someone hits you?

your fcked basically

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Even after receiving a car insurance quote, someone driving uninsured is still putting their lives and others in jeopardy and whether you have a license or not. Someone driving uninsured can bring on the risk of being arrested.

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You could crash your car - killing yourself. Worse - you could kill someone else !

Can you lose your license for cancelled insurance?

Only if you get caught driving without insurance can that happen in most states. I wish it would happen in all.

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Drinking and driving is illegal everywhere. No insurance company can provide a policy for illegal activities. Drinking and driving is dangerous, not to mention that if a car accident were to happen, insurance would not cover it.

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you will get a ticket and probably get your license suspended for longer and insurance will probably not cover the accident b/c you were driving with a suspended license but of course this is just one scenario

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If your insurance covers someone else driving your car, no problem. If not, it's your car and you are legally responsible for whatever damage there is. In other words, you are responsible because you loaned him the car.

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Life is crazy and sometimes, accidents happen and things get lost. If you happen to discover that you have lost your insurance card, you can contact your insurance provider for a new one. This should be done immediately.

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Whether they are licensed or not, it is your risk to have someone else driving your car.

You were in an accident your car is a lease and it was your fault and you have no insurance what is going to happen?

You are going to have to pay all cost out of pocket. Also you may be given a severe ticket for driving without insurance.

Why would one need insurance on their Ford Transit vehicle?

The insurance is very important to protect yourself and other drivers on street. Various accidents happen, so insurance is very important thing for vehicle.

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You would get caught with mansluahter and Drunk driving. If it was you who did this, it wasn't attempted murder, which helps.